
Expert Rating


Business model design
Market analysis
Product vision


The healthcare continuum remains complex and difficult for many people to traverse. There currently lacks a personalized service to provide clear suggestions that are customized for a person in a given situation.


Identify a potential solution to improve healthcare interactions for the average person through personalized comprehensive data analysis.

Slide presentation

Resources (if any)

Solution Summary
Zombified is an integrated service that pulls together partnerships with various healthcare apps and services and use innovative features to provide customized healthcare call to action.


  • Market research to identify options and limitations currently available.
  • Ideate a business solution that can close the gap with current technology. 

Key findings

  • Current apps and services are a partial solutions
  • No integration service exists
  • Healthcare is not accessed optimally for millions of people in the US
  • There is money to be made in healthcare referrals

References (if any)

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