Review for User personas and competitive landscape for MOOC learning market

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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Market analysis
Metrics definition
Product roadmap

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The author did well in the following areas:

  1. Clearly defined the objective of the project at the beginning and clear defined sections in the presentation
  2. Impressive use of data to show the market share of existing players within and outside the US
  3. Clear action items for MOOC players to grow their business. For example, the author suggested investing in in-house content development as a concrete example to take control of the content supply and grow the business
  4. The author really shined is explaining the key stakeholders involved in online learning. The author was able to not only list key stakeholders but also defined key motivations and decision drivers for each stakeholder
  5. The author used the key motivations and drivers of stakeholders to create an ‘ alignment map’ with MOOC players. This map allowed me to easily understand which player is already in a good position to serve the customer and which players needs a lot more work
  6. The metrics were bucketed into categories and rated in a standardized visual way so that the audience could move from one metric to another and easily get a summary view for each stakeholder
  7. Finally, the conclusion of the project clearly summarized the current landscape and next steps for MOOC players

Improvement Areas:

The author could have done better in the following areas:

  1. The author wanted to be reviewed for building a product roadmap but the project could have shared the insights in a visual chronological order as is generally used in product roadmaps
  2. Most of the suggestions were still high level and author could have drilled further into key feature sets required to succeed as a MOOC player
  3. The target audience of the project was not clearly defined which makes me wonder this is a high level analysis for executives and did not have product specific details required for a product roadmap
  4. Although, the work done on metrics was very good, author could have added a section to clearly define the metrics and avoid any confusion among the audience

Actionable Next Steps:

Market analysis:

  1. Keep up the good work. You have the skills to conduct high quality market analysis. My only suggestion would be to use recent data instead of using data from 5 years ago. This would bring more credibility to your work and provide you with more insights.

Metrics definition:

  1. Spend more time to clearly define the metrics and make is available to the audience before you dive into the details. This way you are able to provide the right context and set the stage for detailed discussion
  2. It is also helpful to share what is beneath each metric and where does the data come from. It is important to make metrics game-proof so that stakeholders are not able to ‘game’ the system out of laziness, greed or incompetence.  You might want to consider building a formula for each metric that explains its key components and make it easy to understand the logic behind each metric.

Product roadmap:

  1. This skill had the weakest demonstration of all three skills and I suggest you learn about the process using resources available online or in books. you may find the following resources useful: understand product roadmaps, Inspired by Marty Cagan or Lean product playbook by Dan Olsen.
  2. A good product roadmap should be targeted to a specific audience, visually very easy to understand and flexible in it’s execution.
  3. Your project submission talked about what could be build and why it was important but it never brought all your thoughts together in a visual representation of your work. It may help you learn about swim lanes  and other formats to chronologically list execution goals by category
  4. Finally, the product roadmap needs to be flexible as things change and your team might have to stop building certain features and build something else. As a product manager, it would be very important for you to explain the level of flexibility in your roadmap.

Overall good work and best of luck in your professional endeavors.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Audience Targeting
Visual Presentation
Game Proof
Communicate Findings
Data Analysis
Research Design
Data Collection
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