Project Submitted for Job: Product Manager emp0302 2 by testkrish 0602
Advanced screening Submitted for Job: Product Manager emp0302 2 by testkrish 0602
Job Application for Job: Product Manager emp0302 2 by testkrish 0602
Advanced screening Submitted for Job: Ats Product Manager US - United States by testkrish 2201
Job Application for Job: Ats Product Manager US - United States by testkrish 2201
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Index Exchange

Company details

The most efficient ad marketplace for media owners to monetize content and marketers to deliver relevant ad experiences

Company Size:  501 – 1,000

Company Type:  Privately Held

Founding Year: 2003

Index Exchange is a global advertising marketplace enabling media owners to grow revenue by helping marketers reach consumers on any screen, through any ad format. We’re a proud industry pioneer with nearly 20 years of experience accelerating the evolution of ad technology for the world’s leading experience makers.

As a trusted partner and ally, our aim is to deliver total market efficiency and value for the programmatic ecosystem at large. Through the transparency of our technology, dedication to innovation, and long-standing customer relationships, we lead through change.

Headquartered in Toronto, we have more than 500 Indexers around the globe who are dedicated to building a safe and transparent marketplace that provides a trusted experience for consumers.

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